Yishun Transport Hub

Integrated Development in Yishun

Yishun Transport Hub
Yishun Transport Hub  ( Credits : The Straits Time)


The Yishun intergrated transport hub which is expected be opening in 2019 will be part of the Northpoint City Development. It is about 236, 800 sq ft and will consist of an air-conditioned bus interchange. There will also be an underpass that will be linking Northpoint City and Yishun MRT station. In future, the entire development will be connected to new barrier-free pedestrian bridges, covered linkways and new roads.

The current Northpoint Shopping mall will soon embarked on a makeover and transform into the future mixed development, Northpoint City. Adding more excitement to the mall, the entire shopping centre will be expanded and there will more than 500 retail shops in it. NorthPark Residences will be part of the residential development within NorthPoint City. There will be a total of 920 residential units in NorthPark Residences. The developer for NorthPoint City and NorthPark Residences will be Frasers Centrepoint.

For the nature lovers who enjoy cycling outdoor, there will be a 15.5km dedicated cycling network connecting to the development as well. In addition, a total of 300 sheltered bicycle lots will be provided to the residents of NorthPark Residences.  With everything from shopping and entertainment to seamless transport network which are all within a stone’s throw away from NorthPark Residences, residents will enjoy a lifetime of convenience.






To find out more about the upcoming new launch condo within this integrated development, click on the link below,





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