Spaces for bicycle parking required for new developments

It is well-known the fact that the use of bicycles are encouraged in Singapore, as they are an eco-friendly mean of transportation, keeping the air clean, and helping people lead an active lifestyle. This is why the future developments will be required to offer a parking space dedicated to bicycles so that people will have a convenient area where they can keep their green two-wheeled transportation mean. The Land Transport Authority or LTA is responsible for the introduction of this new standard, in the attempt of the authorities to encourage a cleaner atmosphere in Singapore. The new changes were announced on the 7th of May, through the URA circular.

The modification became active the next day and it is not optional, as it is a mandatory standard that all developers will have to respect from now on. So, the developers that will file applications at the URA for new developments or the reconstruction or renovation of existing developments, will have to introduce this new requirement in their construction plans. Thus, depending on the location of the residential building, developers will have to make sure that there is sufficient parking space for bicycles for every 4 to 6 units. According to the URA circular, this type of parking space is extremely important, as it encourages people to get bicycles and use this transportation mean to get around the city, minimizing the impact motorized vehicles have over the environment. Also, this will solve the issue of where to leave the bicycle when returning home or while one is taking care of business downtown.

It is worth mentioning that this new standard also applies in the case of commercial spaces, not just residential buildings. So, very soon, we will see shopping centers, cinemas, office buildings, clubs, and hotels providing this kind of parking spaces as well. Of course, the requirements concerning the size of the parking lot will depend on the actual floor area of the development.

Developers should also know that this new parking space, regulated by the LTA standard, will not get through the GFA computation, so the process is simplified. Also, the spaces that exceed the minimum requirements of LTA will also be subjected to this rule, although an assessment will be made in these cases in order to see whether this aspect is applicable. In addition, if the developer wishes to provide special facilities for bikers, like showers and dedicated lockers, they will also be exempted from GFA, with the exception of residential spaces. Even though the new standard is mandatory for future developments only, the existing developments are strongly advised to offer bicycle parking spaces as well.



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