Smarter and More Sustainable Homes with Future HDB Projects

The needs of Singapore’s residents changed over the past years and will continue to change, as a way to adapt to the coming times. Out of the desire to make Singapore a smart and well-adapted country, authorities are already depositing efforts in creating future plans that will improve the lives of its people. What does this mean? It means that we should soon expect to see housing projects with smarter and more intuitive features. These features should not just make life easier and more convenient, but should also allow homeowners to enjoy their time more and worry less.


The plans of the HDB, regarding future homes in Singapore, are meant to span over 10 years, as the recently presented blueprint shows. This blueprint is the development plan of a project called Designing for Life and it targets both public and private developments in existing and future cities around Singapore. Three major concepts compose this project, created out of the desire to give Singaporeans of all ages the chance to a much-improved life. With the help of this project, people will Live Well, supported by an environment built to enhance life quality and health standards. Then, they will Live Smart, as future homes will incorporate advanced technologies that will transform residential units into sustainable and smart constructions. And, finally, they will Live Connected, as part of the project is the involvement of the entire community in the development of neighborhoods.

As Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat said, the way people perceive homes has changed greatly this year. It became a safe retreat against the threat of the pandemic, it became an office or space for unrolling professional activities, and, above all, it became the place where we enjoy time with our family and loved ones. Parc Residences at Tengah is an example of future development that will respect the new plan of the HDB. This BTO was made official back in August and it’s the first among the many projects that will be built with the new features. What features will be encompassed by this development? Centers for childcare will emerge and so will a polyclinic for the healthcare of both old and young residents.


Smart and modern technologies will also be, of course, part of the future HDB homes. For instance, homeowners will have the possibility to monitor the energy consumption of their residence. A centralized cooling system, built to be energy-effective, will feature an app that controls its features and mentions consumption details. Residents will be able to choose whether they subscribe to the service or not. But since it is meant to save energy costs by 30%, homeowners will certainly appreciate it. Also, out of the desire to offer people a clean and green environment, solar panels will start popping around existing tows, as part of a 10-year project unrolled by the HDB. The aim is to increase the sustainability and eco-friendliness of Singaporean cities until 2023.


It is encouraging to see that future public housing options will become more modern, energy-effective, and people-centered. With the power of technology and communication among residents, it is possible to tailor residential areas that will focus more on their happiness, health, and well-being, for a better and more fulfilling life in Singapore.


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