More resources are committed for Global aviation training and research

More resources are committed for Global aviation training and research

Singapore is a country which has always strived to contribute towards the enhancement of global aviation training and research, but they have begun to go further in providing that extra support than before towards a deeper commitment towards this sector. Singapore not only has come forward to provide more resources but also joined hands with the International civil aviation organisation (ICAO) in hosting and developing a course on civil security which is thereby target on the heads of civil aviation.


It is also great to know that within the year of 2018 to 2020 there would be seven runs of this programme being conducted all across the globe.

This structured and organised programme will consist of educating all aviation leaders regarding the modern development of the International Civil Aviation Security Board.


The Minister In Charge of Transport, Mr.Ng Chee Meng and President of the ICAO council Mr.Olumiyuwa Benard Aliu came forward in signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the commencement ceremony of WCACEF which was held at the aviation academy in Singapore.


This partnership will concentrate on topics related to air traffic management and aviation such as Governance in International Aviation and also Aviation Technologies.


Both high rested individuals Mr. Aliu and Mr. Ng stated at the event saying that the output and the future of aviation is probably going to shine brighter than before.


There has been positive economical impacts within the past years and it would be further uplifted by the supported partially by the total population of tourist entering the nation.


The aviation sector indeed possess a high level of potential in reaching towards high standard of growth and development. It has all the support and resources and also a strong backbone. Therefore reaching out to success is indeed a capable challenge with hard work put in.


An annual rate of 4 percent is said to grow in air traffic within the next 20 years which is a forecasted evaluation by plane makers of Boeing. With the rapid development and technology indeed there is probably going to be a growth in almost every sector like tourism, buying and selling trade and also aviation as well. So it is worthy to be prepared and stay strong when times are challenged.


But we all know that with rapid growth and development there comes challenged as well. As mentioned above that being prepared for it is the best thing which could be done. A stable aviation body is critically important and this sector has nothing to worry now as they do get our full support as stated by Mr.Ng.


Then again ensuring the safety of air travellers is indeed another important fact too. Therefore there would be a growing need of improving the security as there is a growing threat under this specific sector as well.


Singapore has eagerly come forward to further extend their training programmes due to two important factors which will directly and indirectly effect the growth and development of both the nation and aviation. As Human capital development and also sharing of knowledge which are the most important aspects of growth and development Singapore has made its decisions to provide more training programmes.



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